Upir and the Monster Gang, first edition

Dear Upir Fan,

My son, Raymond, and I have been working on this illustrated novel for quite some time now. From now until November 16th, we are doing a first print run of Upir and the Monster Gang. We would like you to visit our site and buy a book. Then please invite a family member or friend to stop by and buy a book also. For your money you will get the first edition of the book, a great storyline and a novel full of AWESOME illustrations. Not only will you son, daughter and grand kids love it, but you will love it too!! Raymond and I appreciate your support and help in getting our book out to the public!

I’m attaching two links: The first one will take you directly to our Kickstarter page. Be sure to listen to our video that Raymond produced. He filmed us sitting on stools in front of a green screen but before posting, drew us sitting in graves. The video is very informative and kind of amusing. It tells all about our Kickstarter campaign.


The second link will take you to Raymond’s art website where you can click the KICKSTARTER button and go to the site to buy a book, click the DOWNLOAD button and read the first 3 chapters of our book and click on the heading ARTWORK and see his beautiful oil paintings and illustrations.


Thanks for your support in our book adventure. Together we CAN get this done. And oh, Upir and his gang hope you have a MONSTROUS day!

Sharron and Raymond Thornton

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Upir and the Monster Gang, first edition
A suspenseful, high-flying, action adventure story packed with eerie monsters, giant sea s

The TDM Comics Store



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©S.P.I.D.E.R. from ©World of Doom-Legacy of Destruction Mini-Series

Check out the All NEW, ©S.P.I.D.E.R. Logo, that Our Artist/Illustrator just finished the other day! KOOL, HUH?

Although ©S.P.I.D.E.R. has regular Brilliant Humanistic Members, The Scientists/Super Heroes will be revealed within the many, Several continuing Series.

©S.P.I.D.E.R. is One of the ©REECENETRICS™
Sci-Fi futuristic World/Intergalactic Organizations of Scientists, who are T.E.A.M.E.D. together for the betterment of mankind, and the Galaxies to help protect Life, Liberty, and The Natural God-Given Worlds of Elements from those who would do destructive things to Natural orders of Nature. There are Some Super Heroes, who are also members of
©S.P.I.D.E.R., who do not wear the Logos upon their Uniforms, Suits and Costumes..They wear them as Tattoos, and we will reveal those, later, within many series issues (Smile)…Who the world sees and knows as
©S.P.I.D.E.R. Members, who wear the logos openly, are Brilliant, Humanistic World renowned, Interstellar/Galactic Scientists. There are and will be other Organizational Logos, erupting from the “World of DOOM” Mini Series, which give opportunities for many, many “spin-off” features, products, and adventures.

S.= Scientists
P.= Performing
I.= Interstellar & Galactic
D.= Development of
E.= Energies for The
R.= Research and Technologies Communities

©COPYRIGHT May 26, 2012 TERRY ALLEN REECE, AKA “the Warrior”
©S.P.I.D.E.R. from ©World of Doom-Legacy of Destruction: is A PRODUCT BRAND OF ©REECENETRICS™ BY ®REECE ENTERPRISES/TIME TRAVEL NETWORK, INC./FAMILY MEDIA COMPANY/TDM COMICS INTERNATIONAL, and Jointly owned by All Participating Character Pro-Filer Partners:

Terry Reece, aka “the Warrior” Super Hero
Writer/Copywriter/Creator of The Closet Cove and the L.A.Z.E.R.U.S. project, and the “G.i.J.i.M.O.M.” Series Brand
I am Honored to be Your Friend: we “HONOR” WOMEN & MOMS, and MILITARY Females with our NEW, EXCITING “G.i.J.i.M.O.M.” Series: http://thesiborg.com/ http://familymediasite.com/ https://tdmcomics.com/ , http://theemma.org/

Be an Entrepreneur, Stop complaining & DO something for success!(Read The Closet Cove, NOW!) http://www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/TheClosetCove.html,
TRAVEL with the Time Travel Network(TTN, INC.)at : www.reeceenterprises.com, www.timetravelnetwork.com ,AND .
Photo: Check out the All NEW, ©S.P.I.D.E.R. Logo, that Our Artist/Illustrator just finished the other day! KOOL, HUH? Although ©S.P.I.D.E.R. has regular Brilliant Humanistic Members, The Scientists/Super Heroes will be revealed within the many, Several continuing Series. ©S.P.I.D.E.R. is One of the ©REECENETRICS™ Sci-Fi futuristic World/Intergalactic Organizations of Scientists, who are T.E.A.M.E.D. together for the betterment of mankind, and the Galaxies to help protect Life, Liberty, and The Natural God-Given Worlds of Elements from those who would do destructive things to Natural orders of Nature. There are Some Super Heroes, who are also members of ©S.P.I.D.E.R., who do not wear the Logos upon their Uniforms, Suits and Costumes..They wear them as Tattoos, and we will reveal those, later, within many series issues (Smile)…Who the world sees and knows as ©S.P.I.D.E.R. Members, who wear the logos openly, are Brilliant, Humanistic World renowned, Interstellar/Galactic Scientists. There are and will be other Organizational Logos, erupting from the “World of DOOM” Mini Series, which give opportunities for many, many “spin-off” features, products, and adventures. ©S.P.I.D.E.R. S.= Scientists P.= Performing I.= Interstellar & Galactic D.= Development of E.= Energies for The R.= Research and Technologies Communities ©COPYRIGHT May 26, 2012 TERRY ALLEN REECE, AKA “the Warrior” ©S.P.I.D.E.R. from ©World of Doom-Legacy of Destruction: is A PRODUCT BRAND OF ©REECENETRICS™ BY ®REECE ENTERPRISES/TIME TRAVEL NETWORK, INC./FAMILY MEDIA COMPANY/TDM COMICS INTERNATIONAL, and Jointly owned by All Participating Character Pro-Filer Partners: Terry Reece, aka “the Warrior” Super Hero Founder/Chairman/CEO Writer/Copywriter/Creator of The Closet Cove and the L.A.Z.E.R.U.S. project, and the “G.i.J.i.M.O.M.” Series Brand warrior_75210@yahoo.com I am Honored to be Your Friend: we “HONOR” WOMEN & MOMS, and MILITARY Females with our NEW, EXCITING “G.i.J.i.M.O.M.” Series: http://thesiborg.com/ http://familymediasite.com/ https://tdmcomics.com/ , http://theemma.org/ Be an Entrepreneur, Stop complaining & DO something for success!(Read The Closet Cove, NOW!) http://www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/TheClosetCove.html, TRAVEL with the Time Travel Network(TTN, INC.)at : www.reeceenterprises.com, www.timetravelnetwork.com ,AND . IN GOD WE TRUSTSPIDER logo A

©K.E.I.-W.H.E.L.L. _A___Futuristic Enemy Villain of #87/B-87


_A___Futuristic Enemy Villain of #87/B-87 _____________________
K.= Kelvin-ated
E.= electrified
I.= Intelligence

Also known as:
K.= Killer to
E.=Ensure that
I.=Individuals are on their
W.=Way to

©K.E.I.-W.H.E.L.L., (pronounced key well); is a futuristic Creature who was named, because the temperature at which all thermal motion ceases, means he came from outside of this world. He was created by usage of THE KELVIN as the primary unit of measurement for his extreme temperatures. The Kelvin scale is an absolute thermodynamic temperature scale. The photosphere of the SUN for instance, has an effective temperature of 5778 K; (Kelvin), so ©K.E.I.-W.H.E.L.L. Has an electronic thermal temperature, that is as of the surface of the SUN. HE is demonic in nature, and does not seem to have, or ever had a Soul. His whole purpose seems to be, the pleasure of stealing Souls, and taking them by means of his extreme temperatures, whether that be extreme cold or extreme heat and fire, does not emit any emotion at all from him. He simply enjoys the taking of them (Souls) just the same.

But, He can ONLY take the Souls, IF, he can get the keepers of each Soul to Agree to his homage of gifts, 1st. He walks and talks as a Humanistic being, until he retrieves a “Yes” response from his intended victims, which upon receiving that “Yes” answer, he “Marks” the Victims for later “Collection” of their Soul. He can “CALL-DUE” the “NOTE” any time he decided to, whenever that Keeper of
the Soul, Chooses to either “renege on the Note”, or he needs more energy for his survival.
BUT, just as his collection of Souls helps strengthen him, so also does it weaken him, when and IF someone that he seeks, ignores him or escapes his tricks.
He utilizes all kinds of luxury, Lies, Deceptions, money, riches, Glitz and Glamor, Sex, Lust, anything that he can to “Seal the Deal”

He may NOT be the Devil, But he is the next evil thing, as a Demonic worked and “Soul-Snatcher” for The EVIL one!

He can “Mimic” many of the Abilities of #87, yet, His “Mimics” are Illusion-ary, and can be Dispelled away, with Goodness, kindness, Courage, Mercy, Grace, Love, Truth, Positive Character, Spiritual Conviction to The Higher Creator’s Book of Life.